The Max
On Wednesday we were out in Max, one of the Clubs Downtown Kamloops. First we met Fabienne and Taylor in a Bar for drink a cupple of beers. Taylor made us a gift... A bottle of finest Canadien Whiskey, which we had to drink while walking to the max. Once at max we had to wait in line for about a half an hour till we could go in. Unbelievabal for a Wednesday. In there it was funking crazy!! I mean it was a normal Wednesday but everyone was pissed like hell in there!! I didnt expect that much party in Kamloops... So we had fun there till about 4 oclock in the morning. On the way home we made a traditional stop for a burger. It was really a sick evening!!
Am Mittwuch simer im Max gsi, ä Club in Kamloops. Zersch simer uf äs paar Bier inere Bar mitr Fabienne und em Taylor. Speter simer när is Max witerzoge und ungloublch fürne Mittwoch heimr ca. ä Halbstund müesse astah, bismr hei inechönne. Dert inne isches abgange vom strübschte, eifach alli kaputt vom strübschte -so wie d Kanadier halt si. Ufm Heimwäg heimr när traditionellerwis no halt fürne Burger gmacht. Also sisch würklch ä strube abe gsi!!

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