Around Kamloops
The last days were pretty busy. Last Weekend we made some Trips around Kamloops. First we were hiking at the Petersens Creek Park in Kamloops. We had a lot of fun there. It was so nice. Sometimes it was really steep and we had to climb a little bit. At the beginning we saw also a snake, but only a small one. On Monday we went to the Sunpeaksresort, 30 minutes out of Kamloops. There we found a totally different nature as here. It looked more like the real Canada -what we expected from. A lots of really nice forests and a beautiful nature. We stayed there in a restaurant. In the winter its a nice ski-resort with really nice dry Canadien powder and in Summer its a really nice resort for biking, especially downhill- biking. So ill go back for sure for a few downhill- runs. On Tuesday the school started. There were a lot of new people and i think its really nice to go to school here. I have also really interesting courses with some nice teachers. After a few changes im gonna take: Spanish; Global and Canadien Economic Issues; Sports Event Management; Managing Festivals and Events and maybe French, but this i maybe gonna kick off, because the Canadien French is so extremly bad, sometimes i dont understand them at all... But the two Event- courses are really interesting and they dont feel like normal courses. Its real fun there and its exactly what i would like to do and whats interesting to me. I go to bed now. Cya soon...
Ir letschte Wuche isch ziemlch viel los gsi aber mä cha ja nid immer nume über wildi Partys brichte, sondern mues ou mau chli öpis über d Gägend verzelle. Letscht Wuchenend heimr so äs paar Türli um Kamloops ume gmacht. Zersch simer imne Park in Kamloops chli ga wandere. Sisch ziemlch luschtig gsi. Zersch simer no are Schlange übere Wäg gloffe und speter heimer üs am Wasser nah a Höline verbi dürne Schlucht ufekämpft. Sisch zum Teil scho zure richtige Chlätterpartie worde. Am Mäntig simer heimr när no ä chline Abstächer nach Sunpeaks gmacht, ä Skiort öppe 30 Minute vo Kamllops wäg. Dört isch d Natur scho wider chli me Kanada- like gsi mit vielne Wälder und äre wunderschöne Landschaft. Im Winter isch Sunpeaks äs ziemlch grosses Skigebiet mit sehr trochnigem kanadischem Powder und im Summer isches ziemlch guet zum Bike, speziell zum Downhill- Bike. I wirde also sicher mau no dört ga dr Bärg abheize... Am Ziestig isches när richtig los gange ir Schuel. Vieli neui Gsichter und feie chli ä Mönscheasammlig ufem Unigländ. Sisch scho rächt geil ä so id Schuel dsgah. Sisch eifach immer öpis los hie ufem oder rund ums Unigländ. Nach einige Wächsle i mim Programm hanimi iz für folgendi Kürs entschide: Spanisch; Global and Canadien Economic Issues; Sports Event Management; Managing Festivals and Events und ev. Französisch, aber das lahni de ev. la si, wüu so wie die Kanadier hie Franz redä, wirdi eher nume no schlächter, alsi mi cha verbessere. Mängisch hani also ziemlch müeh, die dsverstah. Aber die 2 Event- Kürs si also sehr geil! Dasch genau das, woni mir eigentlch vorstelle. Sisch würklch sehr interessant und d Lehrer si ou cooli Sieche. Das isch nid wie eifach ä normale Unterricht. Mi geit eifach dört häre und hets chli luschtig mitenand... Also mues iz mau ga schlafe. Bis gli...

PS: On all these pictures u can see, that theres always some fog in the air. That comes from the big fire around Washington... Its really crazy, sometimes its even hard to breathe.
Uf all denä Bilder gsehtme, dases immer chli dunstig isch. Das chunt vom Rauch vom Für ds Washington... Sisch rächt strub, mängisch merktmes sogar bim Schnufe.
Hey geili biuder vor landschaft und so...dr roy! Aber hätsch nid no chli meh chicks? Peace!
11 September, 2006 20:56
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