Mission Vancouver
Hi everyone! Its time for a report again… A lot of things happened in the last week and especially last weekend in Vancouver. After a night with just 40 minutes sleep we started our trip to Vancouver on Friday morning. Once in the afternoon we came to Vancouver and our nice and really luxurious hostel near the Hastings Street. The neighbourhood there was quite creepy… After a little walk and a really nice lunch in Gas town we went out to Tonic later. It was quite a thirsty night and a good party with a lot of fun. On Saturday we went to the famous Capilano Bridge near Vancouver. Later we saw the sunset in the Stanley Park which was pretty romantic ;) Then we dressed up a little bit for going to the Plaza. It was quite a nice Club, but not that much fun like on Friday. The funniest part of both evenings was anyway almost the way back home to our Hostel. So we talked to a lot of people and had a lot of fun with them… On Sunday morning Tyler and I went for a ride to search some cars and the others (Jakob, Mike and Chris) went to Downtown and later to the Stanley Park. The first Car dealer was at the beginning quite nice but later it’s getting quit scary there. It was a Chinese Car seller and I knew that these guys are hard to handle. But that it would be that hard I didn’t expect. I bargained a car from 4900 down to 3600, but this price was still a way higher than I planed to spend, so I told him that I’ve to think about his offer. Then he got angry and also sad and so he dont wanted to give me back my credit card… At the end we could leave with everything, but it was quite a crazy experience. Then we went to a big Auto Mall where a lot of Car dealer are. At the first dealership they told us, that they’ve no cars in this low price range… Fortunately the Car seller Danny made me then an offer to buy his private car - a Ford Escort LX Station wagon year 97 with 240000 km for 2200 CAD… For me it looked like a good offer and after 1.5 hours of waiting the man from the insurance company came and we could finish the deal. Because I have a limit from 2000 per day on my card I could bargain the car down to 2090 CAD. All in all together with the insurance I had to pay 2700. In my view quite a good price for this car. Right after that we went back home to Kamloops. Then the first stories happened with my new ride… Maybe 150 km before Kamloops we passed Merrit. There my tank was still 25% full and from Vancouver to Merrit we used not that much gas so I thought it’s easy till Kamloops. But maybe 40 km later the fucking gas pointer was at the lowest position and the lamp blinked really threateningly. So Jakob and I were really scared that we don’t come home anymore. So we drove like an 80 years old couple on the highway in the direction of Kamloops. It’s unbelievable it’s just nothing around there between Kamloops and Merrit. You’re just out of nowhere there. So Jakob and I sweated a lot when it went up again, because from Vancouver to the highest point on the road to Kamloops it’s a difference of more than a 1000 high meters… But fortunately we made it till the street went down to Kamloops and to the first gas station in town. The tank from the escort takes about 50 litres. So we tanked a little bit more than 50 litres what told us that we maybe had 1-2 litres left… Phuuu that was close! I really wouldn’t sleep in the out of nowhere in Ford Escort with just a T-Shirt on me ;) Later we recognised that the muffler of the car brake down, but it was really easy to fix. Ou and yeah in my first tree days I got 2 fines for parking already in Kamloops :) But I don’t going to pay any fine here in Canada anyway, so I don’t care about it. Yesterday was again horny Wednesday in Max… So we had a lot of fun again together. Today we make a nice barbeque at Tylers place. I think its going to be awesome because its going to be one of the last sunny and warm days here. So Rock on!!

Hey Roy, tönt funny dini Car-Story! Gloub mir, i cha dir nachefüehle, üs isch zKanada ändlechs passiert. Hesch zgfüeu, dass es no wit längt mit em Sprit wo no im Tank hesch u plötzlech merksch, dass es wit u breit kei Tanksteu git, u langsam aber sicher dr Most usgeit. Am beschte choufsch dr ä Kanister, wo dä immer chli Resärvebenzin bi dir hesch, de passiert söttigs nüme. Wie loufts eigentlech so mit em Korean-Boy, isch er scho hüslecher worde? Gruess Tom (bern)
29 September, 2006 10:15
wehh doctore,
rächt a geile karre hesch der da inezoge :-) isch zwar keis pick-up, gseht aber rächt gross u breit us für e escort..... u het sogar liegewiese ;-) voll legeré...
viel spass u nit wild mit däm neue gfährt....
grüessli us santa..... gäähhhnnn
01 Oktober, 2006 10:05
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