The last days in Kamloops
Hi there! Its quite a long time ago since the last post. It was quite busy the last days here in Kamloops and a lot of things happened. The last weeks in school were quite busy and i had to organize a bunch of things for my second semester abroad. For examlpe I got my US visa. Besides that i went a lot to Sunpeaks for some powderruns. The last week was embossed by all the good bye partys. It was a lot of fun, but on the other side also quite sad. It was a beautyful time here in Kamloops with all you guys! I will miss all the nice people i met here. I am glad i could spend such a nice semester here in Kamloops, BC. At the moment I am packing for going to the Rockies for hopefully some nice powder days. We gonna stay 5 days in Kicking Horse and then we will probably go back to Kamloops to celebrate christmas and then going to Sunpeaks for a few days. After that we gonna celebrate New Years in Whistler, Vancouver or Victoria. We havent decided yet. All of them are awesome places to start the year 2007! I wish all of you a beautyful christmas time and a happy new year. All the best!!!
Hallihallo! Isch scho äs Zitli här sit mim letschte Itrag. Sisch ziemlch öpis los gsi die letschtä Täg hie in Kamloops. Die letschte Wuche ir Schuel si ziemlch stressig gsi und ig ha ziemlch viel müesse organisiere für mis zwöite Uslandsemester. Unger Angerem hani mis lang ersehnte US Visa becho. Witers bini viel nach Sunpeaks ga powdere. Die letschti Wuche isch prägt gsi vo all denä Good Bye Partys. Isch ä super Sach gsi, aber ufder angere Site ou ziemlch trurig all denä super Lüt tschau dssäge. Sisch würklech ä super Zit gsi hie in Kamloops! I wirde die Lüt woni hie ha dörfe kennälehrä vermisse. I bi froh hani sones hammer Semester hie in Kamloops, BC chönne verbringe. Im Moment bini grad am packe für äs paar hoffentlch super Powder Täg id Rockies dsga. Mir gö 5 Täg nach Kicking Horse und denn chömemer wahrschindlch zrügg nach Kamloops für Wiehnachte zfiire und gö denn für äs paar Täg nach Sunpeaks. Neujahr wärdemer in Whistler, Vancouver oder Victoria fiire. Wo genau isch iz noni sicher. All die Orte si dr Hammer für ids Jahr 2007 dsstarte! I wünsche euch allne ä schöni Wiehnachtszit und äs guets Neus. Alles guete im neue Jahr!!! I vermissenech!

Witeri Bilder voder letschte Zit wärde folge... Schöni Wiehnachtszit und äs guets Neus! Bis gli... More pics abou the last time will come up soon... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Cya guys...
hey roy im glad we met and i will miss you see you in may
05 Februar, 2007 05:51
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