Trips around Kamloops
After our planned trip to Vancouver Island got cancelled, i made some trips around Kamloops and visited some friends. It was really nice to see this people and see the last possible direction out of Kamloops. First i went to Kelowna to visit Sarah, which works there and then we made a little roundtrip over Cache Creek and Logan Lake together with Ilona and Jacob.
Nachdäm üse planed Trip nach Vancouver Island unglücklicherwis ids Wasser gheit isch, hani äs paar Trips rund um Kamloops gmacht und äs paar Kollege bsuecht. Sisch würklch dr Hammer gsi die dsgseh und die letscht müglechi Richtig us Kamloops use dserforsche. Zersch bini uf Kelowna für d Sarah ds bsueche und när bini no ufnes Rundreisli über Cache Creek und Logan Lake mitr Ilona undm Jacob.

gooooood job roy
I love ur blog
10 Dezember, 2006 03:26
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