I think the best is almost if i let the pics speak... It was a awesome Party. You can never compare that to the Partys back home in Switzerland. Everyone takes it really serious. It was a lot of fun!!! I dressed like a gay pirate aka Orlando Bloom together with Jacob aka Johnny Depp.
Am beste lani hie gloubs d Bilder la spräche... Sisch ä ungloublech geili Party gsi, die ganzi Halloween- Gschicht. Die Partys hie chame i kerä Wis mit denä ir Schwiz vergliche. Alli nämä die Sach ziemlch ärnst. Viel, viel Spass!!! Verchleidet bini übrigens gsi als schwule Pirat alias Orlando Bloom zäme mitm Jacob alias Johnny Depp.

Abschiedsfeschtli fürd Brandy wo nach Vancouver Island geit. Goodbye- Party for Brandy which goes to Van Island

Ahh, oui, oui...

No daheim... Still at home...

Üsi Nachbare heisech ou useputzt... Our neighbours dressed up too...

So hetr de doch nid i Usgang wöue... Üses Wöschwiib ;) Noo i refuse to go out like that...

Ruben (Australia) alias Inspector Gadget... Soo fun!

Lesbian Cowgirl...

Fabs, Tyler, Jacob


Johnny i sim Kahn... Johnny in his boat

Die 2 Pirate mitere Sklavin us Indonesie ;)... The two pirates with the slave from Indonesia ;)...

Me and Marlin (Sweden)

Ig und d Schwede- Connection... Me and the Sweden- Connect...

Med die neui Husherrin... Med the new housekeeper

In Players...

Die komischti Party woni jemals gsi bi... Da simer ifach inegloffe i das drüstöckige Hus, wo ä Rave- Party mit ziemlch beängstigende Lüt stattgfunde het... Isch aber dr Hammer gsi, dert hetme öppe mau chönne dsou uselah, shet eh niemer gstört!! Probably the strangest party ive even been... A rave- party with really awkward people in a strangers house. But it was a lot of fun. There we could go really crazy.. Just raging around!!!

Lueg die Sieche mau ah... ungloublch... Look at these strange people.. Crazy isnt it?

Ä hübschi Brüe hani ou no zämegläse... Nice glasses i guess...
längwilige fraue u partys.... gäääähhhnnnn :-)
04 November, 2006 10:04
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