Acapulco - Grand Canyon
The next day we started pretty early in Acapulco, that it would be possible to reach the States in 3 days. In Mexico City we got some problems with the police, so we had to bribe them 100 US after bargening th amount down from 180. For this fee we were able to drive trough this enormous city and got even a bluelight escort from our uniformed friends ;) After more then 3500 Kilometers and 3 days in the car we reached the Grand Canyon, where we camped in the forest. That was cold!! 3 days ago we we had an average temperature of about 30°C and there the water was freezing during the night...
Am nächste Tag simer ziemlch früeh losgfahre, dases müglech isch gsi, d Staate i 3 Täg dserreiche. In Mexico City heimer du när chli Problem mitr Polizei becho, also heimer denä Jungs 100 US müesse id Bible abdrücke nachdämmer dr Betrag vo 180 abeghandlet hei. Für das Trinkgäld heinis üsi Fründe du när dür d Stadt la fahre und heinis ä Eskorte mit Blauliecht und Sirene dür d Stadt gä, was ziemlch hilfrich gsi isch i derä riesige Stadt ;) Nach meh als 3500 Kilometer und 3 Täg im Auto heimer du när dr Grand Canyon erreicht, womer imne Wald üses Zält ufgschlage hei. U das isch chalt gsi!! 3 Täg vorhär heimer ä Durchschnittstemperatur vo 30°C gnosse und dert ischnis du när ds Wasser über d Nacht gfrohre...
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