After a raging saturday night eve in Cancun, we hanged around on the riviera maya for ca. 1 week. It was a really relaxing/recovering week with a lot of taning/sunburn on the beatyful whitesand beaches. Beside that we visited Leobardos resort, went snorkeling, could go to Xel-ha and went biking. It was awesome and the real caribbean fever came up ;)
Nachemne Samstigabe usgang in Cancun, simer für ca. 1 Wuche adr riviera maya unterwägs gsi. Sisch ä ziemlch relaxti Wuche gsi womer viel Zit mit brüne/sunnebrand ade wunderschöne wisse Stränd verbracht hei. Näbebi heimer dr resort vom Leobardo bsuecht, si ga schnorkle, hei chönne nach Xel-ha ga und si ga bike. Sisch ä super Sach gsi und ds karibische Fieber isch so richtig ufgflammt ;)

Ready for a snorkel :)

Ufem Wäg ga ds schnorchle... On the way to the snorkeling site...

Und ändlech heimer üses Pirateschiff gfunde :) Finally we found our pirateship :)

Wunderschöni Stränd im Resort vom Leobardo! Wonderful beaches in Leobardos resort!

Leobardos und Rosalbas hus in Cancun, womer hei dörfe wohne... dr Hammer! Leobardos and Rosalbas house in Cancun where we could stay... so nice!

Ä andere wunderschöne Strand südlech vo Playa del Carmen... Another breathtaking beach south of Playa del Carmen...


Vanessa, Leobardo and Rosalba - lovely people!

Leobardo and Rosalba

Ds Hus vor Vanessa in Playa, womer hei chönne übernachte... Vanessas house in Playa, where we could stay...



Agressive leguan...

D Ruine vo Tulum. Ruins Tulum.

Tulum beach... Awesome!!! Dr Hammer!!!

Biking along the beach... Mitem bike a Strand...
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