In Canada dr sidefiin Powder ------------------------------ in Mexico die ändlose Sandstränd Vo Kamloops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bis Mexico City Tour 8.2006 - 7.2007


Playa del Carmen - Isla Mujeres

Besides a lot of partying and quite a couple of of shitshows I learned how to dive and made my PADI. I had 2 dives in a cenote and 2 in the ocean - it was just awesome to see the underwaterworld! On Isla Mujeres (Island of Womens) we just chilled out a bit, had some raging partys and biked around the island.

Näbe ziemlch vielne Partys hani glehrt tauche und ha ds PADI gmacht. I ha je 2 dives inere Cenote und im Meer gha - sisch dr Hammer gsi d Unterwasserwält kennedslehre! In Isla Mujeres (Fraueninsel) simer chli am relaxe, ds türkisblaue Meer am gsiesse gsi und si um d Insle gradlet.

Ä Schwumm ir türkisblaue Karibik... A swim in the blue water of the caribbean...

Eine vode eher ruhigere Äbe in Playa... One of the more quite eves in Playa...

Playa reef...

Bim Hotel in Isla Mujeres... In front of the hostel on Isla Mujeres...

Ufdr Bketour umd Insle. On the biketour around the island.