Playa del Carmen - Isla Mujeres
Besides a lot of partying and quite a couple of of shitshows I learned how to dive and made my PADI. I had 2 dives in a cenote and 2 in the ocean - it was just awesome to see the underwaterworld! On Isla Mujeres (Island of Womens) we just chilled out a bit, had some raging partys and biked around the island.
Näbe ziemlch vielne Partys hani glehrt tauche und ha ds PADI gmacht. I ha je 2 dives inere Cenote und im Meer gha - sisch dr Hammer gsi d Unterwasserwält kennedslehre! In Isla Mujeres (Fraueninsel) simer chli am relaxe, ds türkisblaue Meer am gsiesse gsi und si um d Insle gradlet.
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