In Canada dr sidefiin Powder ------------------------------ in Mexico die ändlose Sandstränd Vo Kamloops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bis Mexico City Tour 8.2006 - 7.2007


Utrecht, Holland

Last week I stayed for 10 days in Utrecht, Holland. The actual reason to go there was a management game called Brandmaps. Beside going to the hogeschool every day, we had a lot to discover. Some went partying every night; others were dazed and confused ten days in a row... After 9 days staying in Utrecht I went to Amsterdam for one day as well. The architecture and the second hand shops were the most exciting part besides the red light district ;)
To put Holland in one little sentence: Weed but almost only tourists smoking it; raging parties; hot, tall, blonde girls; student clubs; polo shirts; long wavy hair; a shitload of bikes; biking crews; grachten and wicked buildings.

Rage the Anne Frank monument ;)

Grachten, Utrecht

Funniest bike ever ;))

Bike crew is rollin in - hahaha ;))

Moniek & I

Some dude in the coffee shop - love that shot!

Old car, Amsterdam