Mexico City
On the way back to Switzerland I passed bye in Mexico City for 3 days. It was an awesome time and the city was much more interesting then I expected!!! This city has some very interesting cultural background and some awesome architecture! It was as well soo nice to meet Lolitas lovely family where I could stay for these days. Thanx soo much for everything Lolita and family!
wehhh doctore roy,
isch mega cool, dass du umi im land bisch.... u bereits ha as paar längwillige, standart usflügli (fussmärschli uf stockhorn u 22 h santa fee) mit dier ha dörfe erläbe..... :-) wärde aber diener intressanti blogger itrag mit däne geniale fotis vermisse.... hei kli de längwillig bude altag ufgmischet :-) wünsch der a guete start ir alte wält ;-) u freue mi bereits uf di nächschte spannende gschichtli vo dir nächschter tour..... / kile
30 Juli, 2007 09:25
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