Van Island
Before I left Canada I wanted to go to the island. Fortunately Tyler had some days off and wanted to go as well. So we decided to go to the island for a couple of days... The time there was amazing and I had a lot of fun. I saw my first bear, some other very interesting animals and experienced the famous 3 to 1 ratio in Victoria ;) During our time on the island it happened to be Canada day as well which ended up beeing a legendary blast in Victoria. After 3 days in Vic we went to Tofino, where we camped on a construction side right next to the ocean. These 2 days were a bit more quite, but very nice from the nature - just breathtaking beautyful!
Canada day - YEAH!
Pacific south rim
View from a very nice sushi bar in Tofino. Sicht vom hammermässige Sushi Restaurant in Tofino.
Long Beach
View from the ferry back to Van, when we saw some whales... Sicht vor Fähri zrügg uf Van womer Killer- Wale gseh hei...
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