Trips around Kamloops
This report is about some trips I did the last weekend around Kamloops. I received some complaints about that I just make some party over here. So this is now the argument that I do also some other stuff: On Friday I drove in the direction of Merrit with Jakob for maybe 50 km. It was quite a nice trip, because the nature is changing so fast here in this area. These things are now the nice things about my new car... I just can go wherever and whenever I want to. On Saturday we (Jakob, Jakobs dad Peter, Tyler, Eleonor and me) went to the Wells Gray National Park about 200km away in the north of Kamloops. It was a really nice trip, with some nice waterfalls and beautiful nature. Unfortunately we saw no bears... On Sunday Tyler and I hiked up some mountain in the Indian reserve in Kamloops. The track was really steep going up. But once up there we had a really nice view over the Kamloops valley. The way down was quite funny, because it was really slippery so we had to slide down the whole mountain. That was a really funny and fast way down...

Gseht guät us...
Aber dr winter chunnt scho gli, dude! Sija Severin
05 Oktober, 2006 10:11
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