In Canada dr sidefiin Powder ------------------------------ in Mexico die ändlose Sandstränd Vo Kamloops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bis Mexico City Tour 8.2006 - 7.2007


Rocky Trip

Before Christmas we (Jakob, Malin, Ilona and Me) went to Golden for checking out Kicking Horse and Lake Louise for 5 days. We stayed in a beautyful Hostel in the middle of the forest 10 minutes outside of Golden. We had a wondeful time together. First we went to Kicking Horse which kicked ass!! This resort was awesome. Really nice, steep runs and still quite nice powder. Plus not crowded at all. In Lake Louise it was nice too, but the snow wasnt that good anymore and compared to Kicking Horse it had much more fancy people and snowbunnys around. It was a awesome trip! Good times!! After that we celebrated Christmas in Kamloops. It was a really nice dinner together with Jakob, Malin, Ilona, Kai and Simon. But for sure i missed my family at home in this time. Pics from the Christmas Dinner will fallow...

Kurz bevor Wiehnachte simer (Jakob, Malin, Ilone und ig) nacfür 5 Täg nach Golden gange um die beide Resorts Kicking Horse und Lake Louise usdchecke. Übernachtet heimer imne wunderschöne Hostel ir Mitti vom Wald nume 10 Minute usserhalb vo Golden. Zersch simer nach Kicking Horse gange, was dr absolut Hammer isch gsi. Dert hani ändlech die steile schöne Runs gfunde, woni in Sunpeaks chli vermisst ha. Sisch würklch ä hammer Resort. Fasch keni Lüt und sehr geili Sache zum fahre! Lake Louise womer när no si gange isch ou cool gsi, doch isch dr Schnee nümme so guet gsi wie in Kicking Horse. Zudem hets viel me Lüt und Schneehäsli gha als in Kickcing Horse. Sisch ä super Trip gsi! Mir hei zäme ä super Zit gha!! Nachdäm mer wider si zrügg cho, hani zäme mit Jakob, Malin, Ilona, Kai und Simon in Kamloops Wiehnachte gfiiret. Sisch äs schöns Znacht gsi, doch hani i derä Zit d Familie scho vermisst. Bilder vom Wiehnachts Ässe wärde folge...

Ufem Wäg nach Golden... Sisch wunderschön dür die idrückleche Bärge dsfahre. On the way to Golden... Very impressive the way trough this peaks.

Abespaziergang bi Nacht und Näbu düre Wald... Hike trought the forest...

Unerwartet heimer uf däm Spaziergang äs Pup zmitz im Wald gfunde. Äs isch sogar offe gsi. Da derbi heimer äs paar truurigi Gstalte atroffe. Unger Angerem dr Lenny, wo üs speter i sim Panzer heigfahre het... On this hike we found a Pub in the middle of the forest. It was even open. There we met some crazy locals. One of them was Lenny which drove us home in his tank...

D Superbowl und Terminator- Ridge in Kicking Horse... Dr absolut Hammer!!! Superbowl and Terminator- Ridge in Kicking Horse... Good stuff!!!

D Erholig im Wirlpool et natürlch nid dörfe fähle ;) Dont miss to relax in the Wirlpool ;)

Lake Louise and the Ten Peaks Valley

Ice, Ice Baby...

Ufdr Suechi nach Powder- Runs... Searching for some powder- runs...

Üses Hüsli im Wald wo d Füchs und d Hase enang guet Nacht säge ;) Our hostel in the forest...


Anonymous Anonym said...

mo, mou.... bärge u de schnee si extrem verlkockent......... am liebschte würd i grad i fluzüg stiege u dass züg ko verkarre :-)

> vermisse da eifach kli fotis vo ace of sprays "dr. roy" in action... ? :-)

nächschti woche söll es au bi üs meter wies schnie, so zumindescht si hoffnige vo de jungs in santa ;-)

hüt abe, silvester, wird da im popcorn mau umi todi hosse si, gäääähhhhnnnnn

machs guet u nit wild roy u gisch nit viel ga wildere!!!! ;-)


31 Dezember, 2006 16:56


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