Pow in Sunpeaks
There is quite much pow up here in Sunpeaks. It has been some awesome days for shredding and spraying around!! Unfortunately of the most of the pics u cant see me anymore, so heres the only one i got. And because of the "Schneehäslis" - as Killer said in the comment - its no problem. For sure at the moment were quite busy with trackin out all the fresh pow, but we always find some time to meet our friends. We went out yesterday with our nice mexican friends and today there was this idol show at TRU where we met a lot of friends from last semster and a couple of new exchange students. So i went out to Players with Jakob, Malin (Sweden) and some other people.
Sisch ungloublch dä Powder womir hie i dä letscte Täg hei becho. I bi iz 3 Täg hingerenang rächt ga im Züg umestaube!! Leider hetme mi uf dä meiste Pics gar nümme gseh vor luter Staube. Immer ds gliche Problem... ;) Drum hie ds einzige wome mi gseht. Und wägde Schneehäslis - wie vom Killer im Kommentar erwähnt - müessternech gar ke Sorge mache. Natürlch simer im Moment ziemlch beschäftiget mit all däm Powder zvercharre, aber mir finge geng chli Zit umnis um üsi Kolleginne und Kollege zkümmere. Geschter simer mit üsne mexicanische Koleginne eis ga zieh und hüt simer a sore Talent Show gsi ir TRU, womer ziemlch viel vo üsne Kolleginne und Kollege vom letschte Semester und ou äs paar neui Austauschstudentinne hei troffe. So bini no eis im Players ga zieh mitm Jakob, dr Malin (Sweden) und äs paar angerne Lütlis.

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