Greets from Canada
Hi there! I hope youve had a nice new year. I wish all of you a happy 2007! I will go to Whistler tomorrow for a couple of days. Here some impressions from Sunpeaks :)
Hallo Zäme! I hoffe dir heiget ä guetä Rutsch gha. Alles Guete fürds 2007! Morn gani für äs paar Täg nach Whistler. Hie no äs paar Impressione vo Sunpeaks :)
Howdy Roy!
Danke für dini Charte, se isch bereits acho. Hoffe du bisch bueno grütscht und alles guäti im 2007...aight!
Geili fotos und mach witer so...
El severin
08 Januar, 2007 23:46
Heey how's it goan??
I can see you are having a wicked time in Sun Peaks!
I miss the snow here (very bad winter), but looking forward to Åre!
Miss you and Canada lot's!!!
11 Januar, 2007 14:28
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