In Canada dr sidefiin Powder ------------------------------ in Mexico die ändlose Sandstränd Vo Kamloops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bis Mexico City Tour 8.2006 - 7.2007


Grand Canyon - Las Vegas

After we visited the Grand Canyon in the morning we went passed by some ghost town and went over the hoover damm to Las Vegas. In Las Vegas we wanted to go to the Coyote Ugly Club, but since they close almost everyting at 2am in the States we came a littlebit to late. It was anyway a really fun night and we met some fun people in the city of one arm bandits ;)

Nachdämmer am Morge bim Grand Canyon verbigluegt hei, simer bire Geisterstadt verbi und übere Hovver Damm nach Las Vegas gfahre. Dert heimer im Coyote Ugly Club chli wöue ga abfeschte, da aber idä Staate ddie meiste Clubs scho am 2 zuetüe, simer äs bizi dsspät cho. Mir hei aber trotzdäm ä super Nacht gha und hei äs paar cooli Gstalte atroffe idr Stadt vode eiarmige Bandite ;)

Ufem Wäg id Geisterstadt... On the way to the ghost town...

Jakob in the saloon...

After a shootout... I won ;)

Hoover damm

Äs chlises Pfüsi bim Hoover Damm bevormer nach Las Vegas gö... A little nap before we go to Las Vegas...

Las Vegas by night...