Mazatlan - Guadalajara
After a 18 hour cruze with only truckdrivers and one famous painter we arrived in Mazatlan. There we stayed at a Gay hotel and rocked our first wavez. The eve we started with a beer 2getter with 3 Mexican beauties and participated at our first Springbreak Party. It was raging directly on the beach and we met 2 other Swedes which gave us some good tips for the way down... The next day we went to Tequila were we got an interesting view in the secrets of Mexico national drink 2getter with Carlos from Guedalajara. after the tour Carlos leaded us trough the 4 million city Guadalajara, where we slept after a little sightseeing in the old city on the floor of the car mechanic besides the shotguns, oil and car parts. The next day we tried to find our way trough the huge market and went out in the eve with two local girls.
Despues las 18 horas en el transportador llegamos en Mazatlan. Dormemos en un hotel maricon y surfiamos las primer holas. En la noche fuimos a nuestra primer fiesta de Springbreak. Fuimos en una discotequa directamente al lado dela playa. La dia proxima fuimos en Tequila. Aqui fuimos por un tour muy interesante con Carlos de Guadalajara. Despues del tour fuimos a Guadalajara con Carlos. La noche dormimos en la tienda del mechanico Charly al lado de sus carros, aceite y armas. La dia proxima fuimos en el mercado enorme en el centro de la cuidad. En la noche salimos con 2 muchachas dela Universidad de Guadalajara.
Nachere 18 Stuendige Schifffahrt mit nume Lastwagefahrer und eim bekannte Maler simer in Mazatlan acho. Doert heimer imne Schwule- hotel uebernachtet und hei uesi 1. Waelle grocket. Dr Abe heimer mit 3ne Mexicanische Schoenheite gstartet und hei ar 1. Springbreakparty teilgno. Sissch abgange vom Struebschte direkt am Strand. Doert heimer denn ou no 2 Schwede atroffe, wo ues aes paar Tips fuer d Reis i Suede mitgae hei... Am naechste Tag simer nach Tequila gange, womir ae tiefere Iblick id Gheimis vom Mexicanische national Getraenk becho hei. Dert heimer ou dr Carlos atroffe, wo ues speter duerd 4 millionestadt Guedalajara gfuehrt het. Nachemne chline Sightseeing ir altstadt heimer ufem Bode vom Automech naebe Sturmgwehr, Oel und Autoteili uebernachtet. Am naechste Tag heimer versuecht uese Waeg duere riesig Markt dsfinde und si am Abe mit 2ne lokale Mexicanerinne i Usgang.
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