Las Vegas - Ridgescrest
On the way from Las Vegas to San Francisco we stopped in Ridgescrest where we visited Aline, which made the season 2getter with me in Saas Fee. She came with us later to San Fran. On the way to Ridgescrest we passed trough the deth valley, which was really cool/impressive and very hot! The deth valley is the area where the lowest point in Northamerica is located. Its pretty amazing to see and i saw my first real sand dunes in a desert which was awesome.
Ufem Wäg vo Las Vegas nach San Francisco heimer ä Stopp in Ridgescrest igschalte, womer d Aline - ä Kollegin wo mit mir ä Saison in Saas Fee gmacht het - si ga bsueche. Si isch när mit üs mit nach San Fran cho. Ufem Wäg nach Ridgescrest simer dürds Deth Valley gfahre, wosich dr tiefscht Punkt in ganz Nordamerika befindet. Sisch ziemlch idrücklch und vorallem heiss gsi! Sisch super gsi das dsgseh und ig ha mini erschti Sanddüne inere Wüeschti gseh.
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