To come home was very nice but in a way quite special as well. To see my family and friends was awesome!!! As soon I accomplished my mission - writing the 2 exams - I could really enjoy seeing my friends again and I made a lot of awesome things the last couple of days... Partying, hiking, snowboarding, eating Fondue, bred and cheese are only a few examples.

Killer was one of the first friends I saw again...

On our hike we saw some Edelweiss - a really rare flower in the mountains! Uf üsere Wanderig heimer sogar no äs paar Edelwiss gseh!

The view from the summit of the Stockhorn - a mountain very close to where I live (my home is just a littlebit right from Killer right beside the lake)... D Sicht vom Stockhorn...

Dr. in action...

Meditation in front of the Allalinhorn ;) Meditiere vorem Allalinhorn ;)

Passed out... "Ä gladdne Gring"...

Very happy with the new material back in the village... Sehr glücklech mitm neue Material zrügg im Dorf...

Getting ready for the fallowing raging party... Ufem Wäg ad Party...