In Canada dr sidefiin Powder ------------------------------ in Mexico die ändlose Sandstränd Vo Kamloops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bis Mexico City Tour 8.2006 - 7.2007



After getting some schoolshit done, I left Switzerland again on Friday to go to Canada for one week. It was a wicked week and I had an awesome time shredding and seeing all the people again! Besides shredding in Sunpeaks, Corey took me to ride the groomer in the middle of the night, to Mike Wiegele for one day of heli where we met all those crazy Italians and to Canadas newest resort Revelstoke. Those trips were just awesome I really got to see a lot in this short period I even saw the northern light, so one of my dreams came true. The last day was embossed by dealing with the police and the busdrivers which wouldnt let me on the bus at 3am ;) The Hello & Good Bye Party on Thursday night was a gonger and I got to see a lot of people. It was a great end to an awesome trip in Canada.


Rocky Mountains

Corey in front of our mention in Blue River...

Inside the lodge

Helis are getting prepared...

Taking off in Blue River


Stooked :))

Guide & I

The end of an awesome day...

Executioner in Sunpeaks looks good! :))


View on downtown Revelstone

Dr.Roy is taking off in the north bowl - awesome terrain!

Stoked in Revelstoke ;))

This mountain is just great!


Hello & good bye party @ Heroes

Hello & good bye @ the Commodore

Hello & good bye @ Kaktus Jacks


Utrecht, Holland

Last week I stayed for 10 days in Utrecht, Holland. The actual reason to go there was a management game called Brandmaps. Beside going to the hogeschool every day, we had a lot to discover. Some went partying every night; others were dazed and confused ten days in a row... After 9 days staying in Utrecht I went to Amsterdam for one day as well. The architecture and the second hand shops were the most exciting part besides the red light district ;)
To put Holland in one little sentence: Weed but almost only tourists smoking it; raging parties; hot, tall, blonde girls; student clubs; polo shirts; long wavy hair; a shitload of bikes; biking crews; grachten and wicked buildings.

Rage the Anne Frank monument ;)

Grachten, Utrecht

Funniest bike ever ;))

Bike crew is rollin in - hahaha ;))

Moniek & I

Some dude in the coffee shop - love that shot!

Old car, Amsterdam