In Canada dr sidefiin Powder ------------------------------ in Mexico die ändlose Sandstränd Vo Kamloops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bis Mexico City Tour 8.2006 - 7.2007


Season 06/07 started

Hey Mates, Its time for a report again. Last weekend the season here in the local Skiresort Sunpeaks started. The first day one week ago was ok, but there was not extremly much snow. But then it snowed quite a lot for this weekend. So i went up yesterday for a really beautyful day with a lot of pow. Plus the wheather was unexpected good too. A lot of great fun and a awesome day!!! Thats what i expect from the second day in my season ;) The forecast for tomorrow is another 20 cm of fresh pow and -25°... So you know where you can find me...:)

Halo Zäme, Sisch wider mau Zit fürde Itrag. Letscht Weekend isch d Saison im locale Skigebiet, Sunpeaks losgange. Der 1. Tag letsch Weekend isch luschtig gsi, aber shet noni extrem viel Schnee gha. Aber die letscht Wuche hets öppe geng wider chli Schnee häregheit. Also bini geschter Freitag ufe gange fürne hammer Tag mit würklch viel, viel Powder. Derzue isch no cho, dases geschter unerwartet schön Wätter isch gsi, während däm die dunge ir Suppe si ghocket. Ä Tag mit viel, viel Spass und äs paarne grosse Juchzer in Sunpeaks!!! Genau das wome vom 2. Tag ir Saison eigntlch erwartet ;) Für morn si wider 20 cm früsche Powder und -25° gmäldet... Also dir wüsst ja sicher, wonig dsfinde bi...:)

So verschneiti Bäum hani no nie gseh... Ungloublech! I never seen trees like that before... Crazy!

Da ig dr Kilu leider nümme cha derbi ha, muesi halt iz uf Sälbstporträts umstige ;) Im Hintergrund d Ilona. Because the missing Killer ive to take some selfpics ;) In the back Ilona.

Nach äs paarne Runs hie isches langsam chli isgfahre... Nice isnt it? After a few runs its quite tracked out...

Look at these trees...

What a beautyful day!!!

A little hike in the backcountry...


Trips around Kamloops

After our planned trip to Vancouver Island got cancelled, i made some trips around Kamloops and visited some friends. It was really nice to see this people and see the last possible direction out of Kamloops. First i went to Kelowna to visit Sarah, which works there and then we made a little roundtrip over Cache Creek and Logan Lake together with Ilona and Jacob.

Nachdäm üse planed Trip nach Vancouver Island unglücklicherwis ids Wasser gheit isch, hani äs paar Trips rund um Kamloops gmacht und äs paar Kollege bsuecht. Sisch würklch dr Hammer gsi die dsgseh und die letscht müglechi Richtig us Kamloops use dserforsche. Zersch bini uf Kelowna für d Sarah ds bsueche und när bini no ufnes Rundreisli über Cache Creek und Logan Lake mitr Ilona undm Jacob.

Kamloops Lake

Ilona (CH) and Jacob

Sibirie??? Ufem Wäg heim... On the way home...


Indian Mountain

One week ago we probably went the last time up the mountain in the indian reserve... Here some pics.

Vorere Wuche simer sehrwahrschindlch z letscht Mau ufä Bärg im Inianer Reserve... Hie äs paar Bildli.

Ufem Wäg zum Gipfel... On the way on the top...

Ds Fändli isch gsetzt... The flag is set...

Statt ä Gipfelwein äs Gipfelbier ;) The beer on the top...


I think the best is almost if i let the pics speak... It was a awesome Party. You can never compare that to the Partys back home in Switzerland. Everyone takes it really serious. It was a lot of fun!!! I dressed like a gay pirate aka Orlando Bloom together with Jacob aka Johnny Depp.

Am beste lani hie gloubs d Bilder la spräche... Sisch ä ungloublech geili Party gsi, die ganzi Halloween- Gschicht. Die Partys hie chame i kerä Wis mit denä ir Schwiz vergliche. Alli nämä die Sach ziemlch ärnst. Viel, viel Spass!!! Verchleidet bini übrigens gsi als schwule Pirat alias Orlando Bloom zäme mitm Jacob alias Johnny Depp.

Abschiedsfeschtli fürd Brandy wo nach Vancouver Island geit. Goodbye- Party for Brandy which goes to Van Island

Ahh, oui, oui...

No daheim... Still at home...

Üsi Nachbare heisech ou useputzt... Our neighbours dressed up too...

So hetr de doch nid i Usgang wöue... Üses Wöschwiib ;) Noo i refuse to go out like that...

Ruben (Australia) alias Inspector Gadget... Soo fun!

Lesbian Cowgirl...

Fabs, Tyler, Jacob


Johnny i sim Kahn... Johnny in his boat

Die 2 Pirate mitere Sklavin us Indonesie ;)... The two pirates with the slave from Indonesia ;)...

Me and Marlin (Sweden)

Ig und d Schwede- Connection... Me and the Sweden- Connect...

Med die neui Husherrin... Med the new housekeeper

In Players...

Die komischti Party woni jemals gsi bi... Da simer ifach inegloffe i das drüstöckige Hus, wo ä Rave- Party mit ziemlch beängstigende Lüt stattgfunde het... Isch aber dr Hammer gsi, dert hetme öppe mau chönne dsou uselah, shet eh niemer gstört!! Probably the strangest party ive even been... A rave- party with really awkward people in a strangers house. But it was a lot of fun. There we could go really crazy.. Just raging around!!!

Lueg die Sieche mau ah... ungloublch... Look at these strange people.. Crazy isnt it?

Ä hübschi Brüe hani ou no zämegläse... Nice glasses i guess...