In Canada dr sidefiin Powder ------------------------------ in Mexico die ändlose Sandstränd Vo Kamloops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bis Mexico City Tour 8.2006 - 7.2007


Salmon Run

Last weekend we could go to the Salmon Run with the Student society. This natural phenomena happens only every 4 years, so we were quite lucky that we could see that. We went with a bus to the Adams River for enjoing this spectacle. The Salmons come up the whole way from the ocean to lay down the eggs. After its done they gonna die. It was a really interesting and stinky experience!

Letschts Weekend simer mitdr Studente- Organisation dr Salmon Run im Adams River ga aluege. Das Natur- Spektakel findet nur alli 4 Jahr statt und äs zieht immer enormi Mängine vo Zueschouer a. Mi cha darum vo Glück redä, dass mir das Schauspiel hei chönne ga luege und miterläbe. Mir si mitem Bös derthäre und si fasch ä halbe Tag dörtblibe. D Lachse chöme dr ganz Wäg vom Meer här, um am gliche Ort ds Leiche, wosi gebore si. Nachdäm dr Job erlediget isch, stärbesi. Äs isch ä sehr interessanti und stinkigi Erfahrig gsi!

Am See... At the lake...

Är isch äuä scho chli lenger da ;) Ä chopflosi Sach... Hes already here a longer time...

Är fightet no für si... Hes fighting for her...

Dr Fluss isch delne Orte so vou wie hie... Somtimes the river is as packed as here...

Är louft wenigschtens nid so Choplos ume wie dr Anger... Hes quite new here...

Stinkts da eim?? Is it stinky??


Rocky Mountains Bärndütschi Version

Hello everybody. In this post ill put up some pictures from the people on the Rocky trip...

Hallo Zäme! Uf vielsitigs verlange, schribi bis i ca. 3 Wuche mini Reports ou no in Schwizerdütsch ;) Vor drü Wuche heimer ä 4- tägigi Tour id Rockys gmacht... Am 1. Tag simer früe usem Näscht und hei üs id Richtig vo Banff ufd Socke gmacht. Uf däm Trip simer bi Salmon Arm, Revelstoke and Golden verbi cho. Nachemne Zitli Fahrt, heimer gmerkt, das d Vibratione im linke Vorderrad immer meh wärde und mir hei üs entschlosse in Revelstoke bimne Mechaniker verbi dsgah, daser die Sach cha gneuer aluege. Är het üs när gseit, das mir ziemlch Schwein heige gha, das üs das Rad nächstens wäri abgheit. So heimer die Sach gflickt und nachere Stund het üses Reisli chönne witerga. Nach däm heimer ungerwägs a äs paarne atemberaubende Orte halt gmacht. Sisch würklch wahnsinnig schön gsi, obwohl a däm Tag ds Wätter no nid extrem nach üsne Wünsch het mitgmacht. einisch in Banff acho, simer fein ga dsnacht ässe und no chli i Usgang. Am nächste Morge heimer no chli Banff uskundschaftet und si när ufenes Bärgli bi Banff gwanderet. Die Ussicht dert obe umgäbe vo all denä Bärge isch ungloublech schön gsi. Vomer wider si dunde gsi, heimer üs ufe Wäg nach Fernie, ä Ort im südleche Teil vode kanadische Rockys ziemlch nach voder US- Gränze, gmacht. Ufem Wäg derthäre, simer a äs paarne Hotsprings verbi cho, si aber nid drin ga bade. Dür all die Zwüschestöpp simer när ziemlch spät in Fernie acho. Nachem Check in im Hostel simer ines super Curry- Restaurant ga ässe. Sisch würklch superfein gsi- und de ersch no zum däm spotbillige Pis. Nachdäm isch när dr Seich losgange... Mir si no chli i Usgang dert und zersch isches ziemlch guet gsi, eigentlch unerwartet viel Lüt und Fun. Woni aber du när chli speter am Abe düra Club gloffe bi, hani dr Jakob gseh regigslos ufemne Stüeli hocke. I bi zuenim häre und är hetmr verzellt, dases fürne Zigarette gfragt het unds dört irgendwelch Droge drin heigi gha. Also bini mitim abe ufd Toilette umim chli Wasser dsgä. När isch irgend sone Typ abecho und het Witze überne gschrisse, i hanim gseit das die Sach nid am Jakob sini Schuld sigi. 2 Minute speter si när 10- 15 Type dunge ir Toilette gstange und d Show isch losgange. Unglücklecherwis oder vilech glücklecherwis bini nach dr zwöitä Pfuscht scho usser Gfächt gsi, da ig mini Nase broche ha. Also was eigentlch super agfange het, het äs leids ändi gha im Spital vo Fernie für mini Nase wider dsrichte :) Am 3. Tag simer zersch zrügg ids Spital, da mini Nase nid würklech grad isch gsi... Auso heisi äs paar Röntge gmacht undmi zumne Spezialist in Kamloops vertröschtet. Nach däm heimer üse trip id Richtig vo Creston fortgsetzt. D Fahrt dörthäre isch nid so lang gsi, so simer ziemlch früeh dört acho. Ds Hostel het ziemlch beängstigend usgseh und dr Kameltriber dört het ou nid grad dr suberst Idruck gmacht. Sisch aber ohni Problem gsi dört. Da Creston d Geburtsstädte vom Kokanne Bier isch, heimr no schnäu ä Bsuech bir Brauerei abghalte. Da aber Thanks Giving isch gsi, heimer leider ke Füerig chönne ga mache. A däm Abe simer nachem Znacht imne Pup ziemlch früeh ids Näscht, da alli ziemlch müed si gsi nach de asträngende letschte Nächt unmr am nächste Tag ä ziemlch längi Reis vornis hei gha. Dementsprächend simer när am nächste Tag ou ufgstande und heinis ufd Socke Richtig Penticton gmacht. D Natur am afang vo däm Trip het extrem schnäu gwächslet, so simer innerhalb vo 3 Stund vode chalte Rockys ine scho bau Wüeschteregion cho. Dr 1. Stop heimer när in Osoyoos gmacht, 3 Km vor US Gränze entfernt. Dä Ort isch wie dr Afang vom Okanagan Valley mit all sine Räbbärge und Weinfarme. Zersch hei dr Jakob und ig aber no ä Abstächer nach Amerika wöue mache, aber äbe nur wöue... Da ig no dr alt Pass ha, heisimi nid la ireise und ig ha 1 Stund am Zoll verbracht, um nid dörfe idsreise. Also heisi mini Fingerbdrück gno undmi usem Land usegschosse.. Nachdäm heimer üsi Fahrt nach Penticton fortgsetzt. Ufem Wäg heimer Halt gmacht, um Wein ga dsdegustiere. Womer in Penticton si acho, heimer entschide grad heim nach Kamloops dsfahre. Also heimernis über Kelowna und Vernon ufe Wäg gmacht. Alles in Allem isch das Reisli dr absolzt wahnsinn gsi. Ä super Erfahrig. Mir hei i denä 4 Täg viel Sache gseh. Mir hei die ganz Bandbreiti vo Bärgregione bis Wüstereigione, vo geile Partys bis ruhige Momente dusse ir Natur gha und gseh. Sisch eifach ä super Sach gsi!

In Revelstoke

Lake Louise

Morraine Lake

In Banff. D Jagge isch ja nid öpe chli ds gross?? I think the jacket fits perfect...


Ufem Heimwäg. On the way back home...


Am nächste Morge vorem Hostel. The next morning in front of the hostel.

Big Mike und dr Teddiebär...

Dr 1. Schnee ufem Gipfel. The first snow on the top of the hill.

Die 1. Schneeball- Schlacht ;) The first snowball- battle...

Mi persönlech Höhepunkt voder Reis ;) The best experience on the trip ;)

Fernie - gseht ja ou us wienä Cowboye- Stadt... Looks also liek a cowboy- town...



Mängisch muesch ou stoppe, wens ke Ample het... Stop for animals...

D Nase isch fasch so chrumm wie d Banane ;) The nose is almost so cricket as the banana...

Iz wüssemer vo wo das viele Wasser härchunt... Now we know where all the water is coming from...

Heil und zfriede wider daheim acho... Happy and healthy home again...

3 Tag speter... 3 days later...


Rocky Mountains Day 4

After the nice, long sleep we started our fourth trip in the direction of Penticton. The nature was changing so fast. Within three hours the nature changed from a mountain area into a desert area. The first stop we made in Osoyoos, 3 Km from the US border away. This place is like the entry of the nice Okanagan valley with all the wineries. There an other funny thing happened. Jakob and I tried to go to the US for a short look, but i got trowed out of the USA. I couldn't get in the country because i have an older Swiss passport. So i spent 45 minutes for not going in the country at the border... After that we continued our trip in the direction of Penticton. On the way we stopped at some wineries for some vine degustation. Once in Penticton we decided to go back to Kamloops this evening. So we continued our trip trough Kelowna and Vernon back to Kamloops. All in all this trip was awesome. A really nice experience to do a trip like this trough the Rocky's. We saw in this four days a lot of things and made some really nice experiences. We had the whole range from huge mountains to desert areas, from good party's to quite moments in the nature. It was unbelievable guys!!

Breakfast time

The view on Osoyoos

With one foot in America

On the way back home in the Okanagan valley

Rocky Mountains Day 3

On this day first we went to the hospital again, where they took some x-rays of my nose. After that we started our third trip in the direction of Creston. The drive to Creston was not so long, so we were there quite early... The hostel there was quite creepie. Creston is the location of the Columbia Brewery which makes the Kokanee beer. So we visited the Brewery, which was unfortunetely closed because thanx giving. This night we went to bed quite early, because we were all so tired and had to go up the next day quite early again to go for the last longer trip...


The Kokanee factory

Big Foot

Rocky Mountains Day 2

After the night in Banff we walked a little bit around in town and went later up a mountain in Banff. The 360°- view up there was absolutely breathtaking!! We were surrounded only by mountains. After that we started our second trip in the direction of Fernie which is located in the southern part of the canadien Rockys near the US border. On the way we passed by some hot springs but we didn't take a bath there. Like this we came to Fernie when it was already late. After the check in in the hostel there we went for dinner to a really nice curry restaurant. After that the gong show started... We went out in a club called Fernie Hotel. There at the beginning it was quite nice. But later in the evening i walked around in the club and there i saw Jakob sitting totally waisted on a chair. The reason was, he asked for a cigarette and became one with some drugs inside. So he was full of drugs sitting there. I tried to help him and went with him down to the bathroom. There was a guy who made some jokes about him, so i told him its not Jacobs fault... He asked me if i have a problem with him, i answered no... Two minutes later 10-15 guys stood down the bathroom and the show started. I got punched in the face directly when they came down, so i broke my nose. It bleeded like hell, so i wasn't even able to punch back. But maybe it was anyway better like that, otherwise the bad things would start. We would have no chance at all against these guys. But it was something without any reason. It was so stupid...

On the way up the mountain in Banff

Breathtaking view

View on Banff and surrounding mountains

On the road again

Stop at the hot springs

On the way to Fernie

Where the gong show happened: The club Fernie Hotel. D Bedienig isch no ganz fründlech gsi ;)

Rocky Mountains Day 1

This is the story about an awesome weekend in the Rocky's... It began in the night before we started our trip. After a nice turkey dinner and an evening in Players we came home and got dressed like pirates, our dress for Halloween. It was pretty funny to walk in high heels around our residence. The morning after we started our trip early at six o`clock. Our first day would bring us directly into the Rocky's, to the city of Banff. The trip went over Salmon Arm, Revelstoke and Golden into the direction of Banff. After a while in the car we recognised, that our wheel started to shake more and more, so we decided to stop in Salmon Arm for a little check up. There the mechanic sayd we were quite lucky, because soon we would loose our left front wheel, so we had to change a little part of the suspension. After this stop we had a really nice trip with some stops at some breathtaking places. Once in Banff we went out for a nice dinner and one or two beers in a club in Banff. Because it was Friday it was a little quite, but anyway we had a lot of fun there.

Getting nearer to the Rocky's

First stop near Lake Louise

Natural bridge

Lake Louise

On the way to the 10 peaks valley

Above the moraine lake

Moraine lake

On the way to Banff