"Sun"peaks and Tubing in Harper
At the moment its very nice weather at Sunpeaks. Today we had a beautyful sunbird and the forcast for the next few days sais the same... In the evening we went for some tubing in Harper Mt. It was so much fun, especially that we could sneak in for a run with on the nightslopes.
Im Moment isch ds Wätter hie in Sunpeaks dr Hammer. Hüt heimer strahlend blaue Himu gha und d Ussichte für die nächste paar Täg gseh öppe glich us... Am Abe simer no nach Harper Mountain für ga ds Tubä. Sisch dr Börner gsi, vorallem dasmernis hei chönne fürne Abfahrt ufdr Nachtpiste ineschliche.

Hey hesch afä chli ä roti nase uf de pics! what's wrong with you?
09 Februar, 2007 20:35
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