In Canada dr sidefiin Powder ------------------------------ in Mexico die ändlose Sandstränd Vo Kamloops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bis Mexico City Tour 8.2006 - 7.2007


3rd of Feb 1985

Ill make it short because we have to leave soon to Mexico... Yesterday we had a 80ies skiday at Sunpeaks aka Tod Mountain. It was totally radical!!! In the evening we had first a pot lock and went later to some homeparty at Chrystals place. It was fucking hilarious!!! Such a nice day to say good bye to all of our friends... It was the best possible end of our time here in Kamloops. Thanx a lot to everyone! It was such an awesome time!!! Ill write more if i have time, but i think the pics anyway speak thousand words... ;) It could be that its gonna take a while, till my next report. I try to write as much as possible on our journey. Keep on shredding and cya soon!

I maches für einisch churz, wüu mir scho gli ufbräche richtig Mexico... Geschter heimer ä 80ies Skitag verastaltet in Sunpeaks oder besser gseit in Tod Mountain. Sisch dr absolut Börner gsi!!! Am Abe heimer zersch ä Pot Lock im chlinere Rahme gha und när simer ane Homeparty vor Chrystal. Sisch ä strubi Party gsi!!! Sisch würklech ä hammer Tag gsi, umnis gebührend vo all üsne Fründe dsverabschide... Besser hätti üse Abgang hie in Kamloops chum chönne si. Sisch ä verdammt geili Zit gsi hie in Kamloops!!! I wirde chi meh schribe, weni Zit finde, aber i gloube d Bilder säge igntlch scho gnueg... ;) Äs chönnt si, dases äs Zitli geit bis zu mim nächste Itrag. I versueche so viel wie müglech öpis ds schribe uf mim Reisli- Tüet nid ds wild und bis gli!

Totally radical day!!! Wicked times...

Like in Dirty Dancing ;)

Top of the 80ies...

Totally gnarly!

What a day!!!

Sexy time...

What the fuck! Again these girls from the future... Always one day ahead these Aussies ;)

Totally "turbular"!

You Bro...

There was something to eat at the Pot Lock too...

Schneehäslis... ;)

Boys dreams come true...