In Canada dr sidefiin Powder ------------------------------ in Mexico die ändlose Sandstränd Vo Kamloops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bis Mexico City Tour 8.2006 - 7.2007


Plans changed

Hi there! As you know its not everything sure in live, so our plans changed 2 days ago... Now well leave Canada already next Monday the 5th of February in the direction of Mexico. In 5 days well be in San Fran to visit Killer for 2 days. After that well go down to Mexico over LA. Youll probably hear from me in San Fran!

Halo Zaeme! Wie dir ja alli wuesst, waechsle d Plaen ziemlch schnaell. So heimer vor 2 Taeg entschide, dasmer scho am Maentig am 5te Richtig Mexico ufbraeche und Kanada verloe... I 5 Taeg waerdemer in San Fran dr Killer ga bsueche fuer 2 Taeg. Naechaer goemer ueber LA nach Mexico. Dir waerdet sehrwahrschindlch vo mir ghoere in San Fran. Also bis gli!