In Canada dr sidefiin Powder ------------------------------ in Mexico die ändlose Sandstränd Vo Kamloops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bis Mexico City Tour 8.2006 - 7.2007


San Diego - Santa Rosalia, MEX

After we could crash at Lorraines place, we entered Mexico in Tijuana. The landscape and the driving style changed immediately, even though therewere so many cars from California. The journey to Santa Rosalia took us 3 days. It was a really nice trip. We saw a lot of beautyful landscape, met a lot of nice and friendly people, saw cactuses in the desert, whales, birds, a carneval and a lots of deth animals and crashed cars on the way. Santa Rosalia is a little village right on the Sea of Cortez located in the Baja California Sur. Its a little charming place with a lots of Mexicans and only a few northamericans or here in Mexico "Gringos", which is perfect for learning Spanish as fast as possible. Here we met also the brother of Reyna - Antonio Campos. Hes a Capitan in the Mexican Navy. Hes such a nice guy and helps us whereever he can! Since yesterday we visit every morning a privat Spanish course for 2 hours. In the evening weve the possibility to partricipate in some normal business lessons in the local University. At the beginning its really hard to fallow and to understand, but it helps a lot! Antonio organized everything. Without his help it would have been impossible to study Spanish in such a small town. Muchas gracias! As it looks now, well stay here for 2 weeks till well continue our journey down to La Paz, Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan and Acapulco...

Despues la noche en San Diego nosotros conducimos para Santa Rosalia, un pueblo en la Baja California Sur... En nuestro viaje vistimos mucho paisaje bonito! Los cactuses, las ballenas, los pajaros y muchos animales muertos. Santa Rosalia es un pueblo encantador. Tiene muchos hispanohablantes aqui. Es muy bien para aprender espanol aqui! Nosotros visitamos el hermano de Reyna - Antonio Campos. Es un capitan de la Naval Maxicana. Es muy sympatico y ayudanos mucho! Ayer nosotros tuvimos nuestra primer dia en escuela aqui. En la manana tenemos 2 horas de un curso intensivo de Espanol. En las tardes tenemos la possibilidad de ir en las clases economia en la universidad. Es muy dificil de comprender, pero creo es muy bien por aprender espanol rapid. Antonio ayudanos con la escuela. Es solo possible para ir al escuela en un pueblo con aqui con el ayuda de Antonio. Muchas gracias! Creo que nosotros vivimos aqui por 2 semanas... Hasta luego ;)

Nachdam mer bir Lorraine in San Diego hei chonne ubernachte, simer in Tijuana in Mexico acho. D Landschaft und dr Fahrstyl hei schlagartig ganderet, wobi imme no sehr viel Amis vo Californie unterwags si gsi. D Fahrt nach Santa Rosalia het 3 Tag brucht. Sisch dr Hammer gsi. Mir hei viel schoni Landschaft gseh, hei cooli Lut lehre kenna, Hei Kaktus is Wueschti, Wale, Vogu, a Carneval und viel toti Tier gseh. Santa Rosalia isch as chlises Dorfli vo direkt ar Sea of Cortez im Sude vor Baja California isch. Sisch a charmante chline Ort mit fasch nur Mexicaner, wo keis Wort Englisch reda, was perfekt isch fur Spanisch so schnall wie muglech ds lehre. Hie heimer ou dr Bruetsch vor Reyna - dr Antonio Campos atroffe. Ar isch a Captain ir Mexicanische Navy. Ar isch mega sympatisch und hilft us wo ar nur cha! Sit geschter bsuechemer jeda Morge Spanish fur 2 Stund. Am Abe heimer d Muglechkeit idi normali Uni id Business- Klasse inedshocke. Am Afang isches mega schwierig gsi nachedscho und opis dsverstah, aber shilft furs Spanisch ungloublch viel! Sodsage het us all das dr Antonio organisiert, wo nabebi ou dr Bruetsch vom legendare Mexicanische Golie Jorge Campos isch. Ohni sini Hilf, wars fasch nid muglech gsi Spanisch i sore chline Stadt dslehra. Muchas gracias! So wies iz usgseht, blibemer hie in Santa Rosalia 2 Wuche bismer uber La Paz, Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan und Acapulco witer richtig Sude zieh...

Dr Jakob het sini Jacke de Obdachlose uberlah in San Diego... Jakob left his jacket for the homeless in San Diego...

Die 1. Raststadt in Mexico... The first restarea in Mexico...

D Strasse in Mexico si scho chli angers ;) The standard of the streets is a bit different ;)

Feie chlina Kaktus... Quite a cactus...

Idr Wueschti. In the desert.

Ufem Wag dur d Wueschti... On the way trough the desert...

Recycling isch hie no nid so inn ;) If u dont need the car anymore, just leave it in the desert ;)

D Kueh hei ou as herts Labe hie... Its a hard live in the desert...

Ir Salzmine... The salt minery...


Grauwale, isch dr Hammer! Gray whales, awesome!

Ziemlch nach vom Boot... Quite close to the boat...

Usi neui Residenz in Santa Rosalia. Our new place in Santa Rosalia.

Sischt uf Santa Rosalia... View on Santa Rosalia...

Usi neui Klass in Santa Roslia... Our new class in Santa Rosalia


San Fran - San Diego

Today we arrived in San Diego where we can stay at Lorrain`s place, the doughter of the Alberts where we could stay in San Fran. On the way down to San diego we saw a lot of nice things. On our first day we drove from San Fran aprox. half way down to LA, where we camped directly at the beach. In the morning the police wake us up perfectly in time for the sunrise. After we had to pack our stuff within 30 minutes we went to the see-elephant beach for eating breakfast with them. After that we continued our trip to LA. We stayed a litle bit before LA on some campground in Malibu. The next day we went to LA for seeing Hollywood, Bel Air and Venice Beach, where we stayed for the night in a Hostel. In the eve we went for some drinks to Santa Monica. Today we drove over Newport Beach to San diego. In Huntington Beach i bought a surfboard. Im really happy that i found something that quick. Now im ready for shredding the waves in Mexico! Tomorrow well enter Mexico... Hasta pronto! Saludos

Huet simer in San Diego acho, womer bir Lorrain - d Tochter vode Alberts, womer in San Fran hei choenne blibe - choei uebernachte. Ufem Waeg nach San Diego heimer viel, viel schoeni Sache gseh und erlaebt. Am 1. Tag simer vo San Fran bis oeppe halb abe nach LA gfahre, womer direkt am Strand ueses Zaelt hei ufgschlage. Am Morge simer naer puenktch zum Sunneufgang vor Polizei gweckt worde. Nachdaem mir uesi 7 Sache innerhalb vo 30 Minute zaemegrumt hei, heimer mite See- Elefante zmoergelet. Nach daem super Erlaebnis simer witergfahre nach LA, womer naer churz vor LA in Malibu ufemne Zaeltplatz uebernachtet hei. Am naechste Tag simer chli ga Hollywood, Bel Air und Venice Beach ga uschecke. In Venice Beach simer naer imne Hostel uebernachtet. Am Abe simer no ufenes paar Drinks nach Santa Monica. Huet simer ueber Newport Beach nach San Diego gfahre. In Huntington Beach hani huet ou aes Surfbraett gfunde. Bi froh, dasi so schnaell eis gfunde ha, iz bini parat, fuer in Mexico ga d Waelle ds rocke! Morn waerdemer nach Mexico cho... Bis gli/Hasta pronto! Saludos

Killer and I in San Fran

Dr Oepfel gheit ja bekanntlech nid wit vom Stamm: HepA- Impfig fuere Jakob, usfguehrt duere Dr. Roy ;) HepA- Vaxination for Jakob, Dr. Roy in action ;)

Ufem Waeg nach LA... On the way to LA...

Zmorge mite See- Elefante. Breakfast with the see- elephants.

See- elephant

Majestaetisch dae Adler! Majestetic this bird!

Aes faehle nur o d Dinosaurier wo ume Baerg kreise... Only the flying dinosaurs are missing...

Nice!, Sunset in Malibu

Blick uf LA by night... LA by night...

Aes paar eisami Finke am ong Beach... Some lonely slippers on Long Beach... Sisch wahrschindlch nid dr letscht gsi ;)

Ae angere Sunneuntergang ufem Waeg nach San Diego... Another sunset on the way to San Diego... Probably not the last one ;)


Kamloops - San Fran

Our first step on our road trip to Mexico was the trip from Kamloops, BC, CAN to San Francisco, CA, USA. It was an awesome ride along the coastline on the highway 101. It rained a lot, but the views along the whole coast were anyway breathtaking! We saw everything from long lonely beaches to the huge redwood trees along the US westcoast, with our costumized Ford Escord 97 Stationwagon ;) The first night in San Francisco we stayed at a hostel near the Golden Gate Brigde in a beautiful nature park. The next morning we met Kilian, which just arrived for his 5 weeks ESL program in San Fran. We were doing San Francisco the real touristic way, Golden Gate, Cable cars, Fishermans Warf, Cafe Trieste (where the godfather movies were written), Gay/China/Italy/Hippie-town and Alcatraz. For the weekend we could stay at the host family of Kilian - the Alberts. They live in a very cool and typical townhouse in central San Francisco. The family and their hospitality was amazing and we stayd for two nights. Thanks a lot!! On saturday evening we did Fan Fran by Night and checked out a nice little Italian restaurant, a cool lounge and finaly we were invited to a illegal after hour party, but we went home instead. On monday morning the trip to Mexico continues... Next destnation LA over Highway 1 with the tent in the trunk.

Cheers and bye San Francisco /Roy and Jakob

Üsi 1. Etappe ufem Wäg nach Mexico hetnis vo Kamloops ufem Highway 101 nach San Francisco bracht. Sisch dr absolut Wahn gsi, ar Küste nah abedsfahre. S het viel grägnet, aber d Landschaft und d Ussichte si trotzdäm atemberaubend gsi. Mir hei vo länge einsame Stränd bis zude riesige Red Wood Trees alles gse, wos vo derä sehr abwächsligsriche Fahrt dsgseh git. Einisch in San Fran acho, heimer die 1. Nacht imne Hostle übernachtet. Am nächste Morge heimer när dr Kilu troffe, wo ou grad in San Fran isch acho fürnes 5-wüchigs ESL Programm. Mir hei san Fran ire ziemlch touristische Art und Wies lehrä kennä. Golden Gate, Cable cars, Fishermans Warf, Cafe Trieste (sisch dört wo the godfather isch gschribe worde), Gay/China/Italy/Hippie-town und Alcatraz. Für ds Wuchenend heimer när bider Gastfamilie vom Kilu unterschlupf gfunde. Die wohne imne hammermässige traditionelle San Fran Downtown hus. D Familie und iri Gaschtfründschaft si dr Hammer gsi. Merci vielmal!! Am Samstig Abe heimer no San Fran by night uscheckt. Zersch simer imne italienische Restaurant fein ga ässe und speter ine Lounch einä ga ha. Am Mäntig geit üse Trip nach Mexico witer... Nächsti Destination LA übere Highway 1 neu mitemne Zält im Kofferrum vom Auto.

Möchits guet und ciao San Fran /Jakob & Roy

Start in Kamloops

Willkomme in Amerika...

Die 1. Nacht im Auto ire Raststät... Feie chli bequem! The first night in the car on a rest area... Quite confi

Ussichte ufd Küste in Oregon... Views on the coastline in Oregon...

Das Bild widmemer am Corey, Treehuging im Red Wood National Park... This picture is dedicated to Corey, Treehuging in the Red Wood National Park... Keep on shredding as usual Corey!!


Touriste Foto vordr Golden Gate. Tourist foto in front of the Golden Gate.

Kilu und Ig vorem Pyramid Building... Isch dr Hammer gsi ihn dsgseh in San Fran! Kilian and I in front of the Pyramid Building... It was awesome to meet him in San Fran!

Old Man; Chinatown

Papa Gianni and his family; Cafe Trieste

Good morning San Fran...

San Fran is beautiful!

Jakob and Kilian in front of the Mario Botta building.

Die erste richtige Palme... The first palm trees...

Cable Car riding, so much fun!

Kilian in front of Alcatraz...


3rd of Feb 1985

Ill make it short because we have to leave soon to Mexico... Yesterday we had a 80ies skiday at Sunpeaks aka Tod Mountain. It was totally radical!!! In the evening we had first a pot lock and went later to some homeparty at Chrystals place. It was fucking hilarious!!! Such a nice day to say good bye to all of our friends... It was the best possible end of our time here in Kamloops. Thanx a lot to everyone! It was such an awesome time!!! Ill write more if i have time, but i think the pics anyway speak thousand words... ;) It could be that its gonna take a while, till my next report. I try to write as much as possible on our journey. Keep on shredding and cya soon!

I maches für einisch churz, wüu mir scho gli ufbräche richtig Mexico... Geschter heimer ä 80ies Skitag verastaltet in Sunpeaks oder besser gseit in Tod Mountain. Sisch dr absolut Börner gsi!!! Am Abe heimer zersch ä Pot Lock im chlinere Rahme gha und när simer ane Homeparty vor Chrystal. Sisch ä strubi Party gsi!!! Sisch würklech ä hammer Tag gsi, umnis gebührend vo all üsne Fründe dsverabschide... Besser hätti üse Abgang hie in Kamloops chum chönne si. Sisch ä verdammt geili Zit gsi hie in Kamloops!!! I wirde chi meh schribe, weni Zit finde, aber i gloube d Bilder säge igntlch scho gnueg... ;) Äs chönnt si, dases äs Zitli geit bis zu mim nächste Itrag. I versueche so viel wie müglech öpis ds schribe uf mim Reisli- Tüet nid ds wild und bis gli!

Totally radical day!!! Wicked times...

Like in Dirty Dancing ;)

Top of the 80ies...

Totally gnarly!

What a day!!!

Sexy time...

What the fuck! Again these girls from the future... Always one day ahead these Aussies ;)

Totally "turbular"!

You Bro...

There was something to eat at the Pot Lock too...

Schneehäslis... ;)

Boys dreams come true...