Kamloops - San Fran
Our first step on our road trip to Mexico was the trip from Kamloops, BC, CAN to San Francisco, CA, USA. It was an awesome ride along the coastline on the highway 101. It rained a lot, but the views along the whole coast were anyway breathtaking! We saw everything from long lonely beaches to the huge redwood trees along the US westcoast, with our costumized Ford Escord 97 Stationwagon ;) The first night in San Francisco we stayed at a hostel near the Golden Gate Brigde in a beautiful nature park. The next morning we met Kilian, which just arrived for his 5 weeks ESL program in San Fran. We were doing San Francisco the real touristic way, Golden Gate, Cable cars, Fishermans Warf, Cafe Trieste (where the godfather movies were written), Gay/China/Italy/Hippie-town and Alcatraz. For the weekend we could stay at the host family of Kilian - the Alberts. They live in a very cool and typical townhouse in central San Francisco. The family and their hospitality was amazing and we stayd for two nights. Thanks a lot!! On saturday evening we did Fan Fran by Night and checked out a nice little Italian restaurant, a cool lounge and finaly we were invited to a illegal after hour party, but we went home instead. On monday morning the trip to Mexico continues... Next destnation LA over Highway 1 with the tent in the trunk.
Cheers and bye San Francisco /Roy and Jakob
Üsi 1. Etappe ufem Wäg nach Mexico hetnis vo Kamloops ufem Highway 101 nach San Francisco bracht. Sisch dr absolut Wahn gsi, ar Küste nah abedsfahre. S het viel grägnet, aber d Landschaft und d Ussichte si trotzdäm atemberaubend gsi. Mir hei vo länge einsame Stränd bis zude riesige Red Wood Trees alles gse, wos vo derä sehr abwächsligsriche Fahrt dsgseh git. Einisch in San Fran acho, heimer die 1. Nacht imne Hostle übernachtet. Am nächste Morge heimer när dr Kilu troffe, wo ou grad in San Fran isch acho fürnes 5-wüchigs ESL Programm. Mir hei san Fran ire ziemlch touristische Art und Wies lehrä kennä. Golden Gate, Cable cars, Fishermans Warf, Cafe Trieste (sisch dört wo the godfather isch gschribe worde), Gay/China/Italy/Hippie-town und Alcatraz. Für ds Wuchenend heimer när bider Gastfamilie vom Kilu unterschlupf gfunde. Die wohne imne hammermässige traditionelle San Fran Downtown hus. D Familie und iri Gaschtfründschaft si dr Hammer gsi. Merci vielmal!! Am Samstig Abe heimer no San Fran by night uscheckt. Zersch simer imne italienische Restaurant fein ga ässe und speter ine Lounch einä ga ha. Am Mäntig geit üse Trip nach Mexico witer... Nächsti Destination LA übere Highway 1 neu mitemne Zält im Kofferrum vom Auto.
Möchits guet und ciao San Fran /Jakob & Roy
hey roy it seems that you r having a great time, nice pics im glad you and jakob had fun in san francisco . hugs and kisses =)lolita
ps keep in touch
14 Februar, 2007 05:32
The pictures are looking great, and the adventures amazing. It is friday afternoon back here in Canada, and although I still love shredding it doesn't seem as much fun with both you and Jakob gone. Props. Corey
23 Februar, 2007 19:27
looks like you guys are on a monumental trip. we've been shredding hard for you guys so i hope you have lots of good times for us. -berock
26 Februar, 2007 06:28
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