After we could stay 1 night in La Barrita at James place we drove 3 hours further south to Acapulco. There we could stay at the house of the Family Campos. Nuño and Lucina Campos took care about us and we met as well a few sons of the big Family. The most famous son in this family is Jorge Campos - a legendary goalkeeper of the Mexican football. He stayed in Acapulco as well for this weekend, so he showed us around in town, which was awesome. We had some raging partys, saw a for Mexico typical roosterfight and met a lot of really nice and friendly people. It was a awesome place to celebrate my 22nd birthday! Thanx for everything!!
Despues dormimos en La Barrita manejamos a Acapulco. Aqui podimos de habitar en la casa dela familia Campos. Nuño y Lucina Campos consentieron nosotros y conocimos algunos hijos de la familia grande. El mas famoso hijo de esta familia es Jorge Campos - un portero legendario del futbol Mexicano. Estaba en Acapulco por el fin dela semana tambien y guia nosortos en la cuidad, que fue fantastico! Damos fiestas, veimos un para Mexico tipical derby de los gallos y conocimos muchos gentes amables. Fue un lugar grandissima para celebrar mi cumpleanos! Gracias por todos!!
Nachdaem mer 1 Nacht in La Barrita bim James hei choenne ubernachte simer 3 Stund witer Suedlch nach Acapulco gfahre. Doert heimer bir Familie Campos unterschlupf gfunde. Dr Nuño und d Lucina Campos heinis verwoehnt und mir hei aes paar Soehn vo derae Grossfamilie kenneglehrt. Dr beruehmtischt vo derae Family isch dr Jorge Campos - ae legendaere Goolie voder Mexicanische Fuessball- Nationalmannschaft. Aer isch fuer ds Weekend aebefalls in Acapulco gsi und het ues ir Stadt umegfuehrt, was absolut dr Hammer gsi isch. Mir hei aes paar Partys gfieret, hei ae fuer Mexico typische Gueggukampf gseh und hei viel sehr naetti Luet kenneglehrt. Sisch wuerklch ae guetae Ort gsi mi Geburi dsfiire! Merci vielmal fuer alles!!
Das isch uese letscht Stop gsi ufdr Tour duer d Nachtclubs vo Acapulco mitm Jorge - ds Palladium dr struebscht und exclusivscht Club vo Acapulco. Dert isch d Post ersch richtig abgange!!! That was the last stop on our tour trough Acapulcos nightlife with Jorge - The Palladium. According to Sergio the nicest club in Acapulco. There the Party started!!!
D Sicht usem Palladium uf d Skyline vo Acapulco... The view on the skyline Acapulco out of the Palladium...
Uese 1. Gueggukampf... Our first roosterfight...
Geburtstagsparty im Palladium mitm Jakob undem Sergio! Birthdayparty in the Palladium with Jakob and Sergio!
Isch ke Seich gsi! Wasnt bad at all!
Da heimer die 2 Mexicanerinne vo Mexico City und 1 Kolumbianerin kenneglehrt... There we met 2 Mexican and 1 Columbian girls...
Ds Meitschi vo Kolumbie bir bsoffnige Mexicanerin dahei - d Sunne isch am ufgah... The Columbian girl at a drunk Mexican girls place - the sun is rising...
Ufem Waeg a Strand nachem Bsuechli bi denae dahei... On the way to the baech after visiting the girls apartement...
Sergio uese Privatchauffeur i uesere Zit in Acapulco... Geile Siech! Sergio our chauffeur... Awesome guy!
Am Strand... On the beach...
Migue eine vode Campos- Soehn isch am chille... Migue one of the Campos- sons is chilling...
Ds Hus womer fuer aes paar Taeg hei choenne wohne... The house we stayed for a couple of days...
Don Nuño, Jorge, Lucina.