In Canada dr sidefiin Powder ------------------------------ in Mexico die ändlose Sandstränd Vo Kamloops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bis Mexico City Tour 8.2006 - 7.2007


"Sun"peaks and Tubing in Harper

At the moment its very nice weather at Sunpeaks. Today we had a beautyful sunbird and the forcast for the next few days sais the same... In the evening we went for some tubing in Harper Mt. It was so much fun, especially that we could sneak in for a run with on the nightslopes.

Im Moment isch ds Wätter hie in Sunpeaks dr Hammer. Hüt heimer strahlend blaue Himu gha und d Ussichte für die nächste paar Täg gseh öppe glich us... Am Abe simer no nach Harper Mountain für ga ds Tubä. Sisch dr Börner gsi, vorallem dasmernis hei chönne fürne Abfahrt ufdr Nachtpiste ineschliche.

Dr Jakob und d Natur: Ein Herz und eine Seele ;) See the text below... ;)

D Affe stige ;) See the text below... ;)

Äs bizi ar Brüni schaffe... Was fürnes Tägli! Workin on the tan... What a day!

Crystal on the Crystal Chair ;)

Dr Jakob bim verdiente Aprésski- Bier... Jakob enjoys the afterski...

Wunderschöne Usblick uf Kamloops by night vom Harper Mountain! Wonderful view over Kamloops by night from Harper Mountain!

Hanaah (Australia) and I...


Red Mountain

The last 3 days i was on a trip to Red Mountain which is in the Kootenay Mountain range. It was an awesome trip, where we met a lot of really nice and friendly people! We could get a ride with Donna, the Mom of Corey. Donna`s truck is huge. It reminded me a little bit at the old glory times as a tank- driver in the worldfamous Swiss army ;) Befor we went to Trail - where Coreys buddy Mike lives - we stopped in Castlegar to say hello to Coreys Antie. It was so nice to meet these people which will go to Hawaii for over a months soon. Once in Trail we could stay and sleep at Mikes place. It was such a nice hospitality there! We had a fun evening together. The next day we went to Red Mountain, according to a local hitchhiker the "best mountain in whole Canada". If it depends on the preferences its maybe not the best but for sure one of the steepest ones with a lot of really nice terrain to shred. It was an awesome day with a lot of good runs! In the evening we went out to a all what you can eat pasta place in Trail. It was so much fun and enought food around for everyone. After a beer in a bar in town we went to bed quite early. The next day we drove home to Kamloops. It was such a good time on the whole trip!! We met so many nice people and are stoked about the whole trip. It has been awesome 3 days!!!

Die letschte 3 Täg hani ufemne Trip nach Red Mountain, ä Skiort idr Kootney Mountain Range verbracht. Sisch dr Hammer gsi! Mir hei viel super, mega liebi Lüt kennäglehrt. Mir hei dörfe mitr Donna - dr Mam vom Corey - dörfe im riesige Truck mitfahre. Das Gfährt hetmi grad ä chli a mini guteä, alte Panzer- Zite im Schizer Militär erinneret ;) Bevormer nach Trail si gange, wo dr Mike - a Kolleg vom Corey - läbt, simer no bir Tante vom Corey ga tschou säge. Sisch dr Hammer gsi die Lüt kennedslehre, wo iäs paar Täg für überne Monet nach Hawaii wärde ga. Einisch in Trail acho, heimer bim Mike chönne blibe und übernachte. Sisch dr absolut Wahn gsi wie sech dä um üs kümmeret het! Nachemne legere Abe simer när am nächste Tag nach Red Mountain gange. Wie üs ä lokale Autostöppler mit Stolz verkündet het, sigi das mit Abstand ds Beste Skigebiet in Kanada. I mues säge äd het nid alzu viel versproche. D Gschmäker und Vorliebinä si verschide, aber wasme sicher cha säge, isch dases zu dä steilschte und vom Terrain här interessantiste Gebiet ghört vo Kanada. Mir hei ä hammer Tag gha mit äs paar strube Runs! Am Abe simer ines All what you can eat Pasta- Restaurant gange. Sisch ä super Sach gsi und shetsich ämu niemer wäge zwenig Ässe müesse beklage. Nachemne abschliessende Bier irä Bar in Trail simer ziemlch früeh ids Näscht und am nächste Tag sco wider zrügg nach Kamloops gfahre. Sisch würklech ä hammer Sach gsi dä ganz trip!! Mir hei so viel super Lüt lehrä kennä und si immer no überwältiget vo däm Trip. Äs si würklech 3 super Täg gsi!!!

Üse Panzer, d Donna, dr Corey und ig. Our tank, Donna, Corey and me.

Ufem Wäg nach Red... On the way to Red

Mike, üse Hotel- Manager in Trail :) Mike our hotel- manager in Trail :)

Red Mountain

Dr 2. Wältchrieg, Russä Sässellift ;) Eine vodä ältischte Sässle voni je mals bi druf ghocket... The 2. worldwar, russian chair ;) One of the oldest chairs ive ever seen...

Was fürne Ussicht! What a view!

D Lines am uschecke... Checkin out the lines...

Ä steili Sach... Steep stuff...

Corey on the top :)

Jakob goes Hollywood...


Shet feie chli Schnee gha... Quite some snow around in this area...

Ufem Heimwäg... On the way home...

Sisch feiä chli näs Auto würdi säge ;) Quite a huge truck i would say ;)


Pow in Sunpeaks

There is quite much pow up here in Sunpeaks. It has been some awesome days for shredding and spraying around!! Unfortunately of the most of the pics u cant see me anymore, so heres the only one i got. And because of the "Schneehäslis" - as Killer said in the comment - its no problem. For sure at the moment were quite busy with trackin out all the fresh pow, but we always find some time to meet our friends. We went out yesterday with our nice mexican friends and today there was this idol show at TRU where we met a lot of friends from last semster and a couple of new exchange students. So i went out to Players with Jakob, Malin (Sweden) and some other people.

Sisch ungloublch dä Powder womir hie i dä letscte Täg hei becho. I bi iz 3 Täg hingerenang rächt ga im Züg umestaube!! Leider hetme mi uf dä meiste Pics gar nümme gseh vor luter Staube. Immer ds gliche Problem... ;) Drum hie ds einzige wome mi gseht. Und wägde Schneehäslis - wie vom Killer im Kommentar erwähnt - müessternech gar ke Sorge mache. Natürlch simer im Moment ziemlch beschäftiget mit all däm Powder zvercharre, aber mir finge geng chli Zit umnis um üsi Kolleginne und Kollege zkümmere. Geschter simer mit üsne mexicanische Koleginne eis ga zieh und hüt simer a sore Talent Show gsi ir TRU, womer ziemlch viel vo üsne Kolleginne und Kollege vom letschte Semester und ou äs paar neui Austauschstudentinne hei troffe. So bini no eis im Players ga zieh mitm Jakob, dr Malin (Sweden) und äs paar angerne Lütlis.

Hüt isch dr Börner gsi!! Today was fuckin awesome!!

Jakob is ripping the pow!!

Ar Talent Show. Sisch dr Hammer gsi! At the idol show. Nice stuff to see there!

D Maria ä Ustuschstudentinn us Östrich. Äs härzigs Meitschi! Maria, an exchange student from Austria. Sweet girl!


Back in Sunpeaks

I almost feel guilty to tell you guys that, but as soon i came back to Sunpeaks it snowed a bit over the night so that we could catch some fresh pow today... To Killer: As i got the advice i took some turns as well for you in the forest ;)

I füelmi scho fasch schuldig das dsäge, aber woni zrügg nach Sunpeaks bi cho, hets äs biz gschneit über Nacht, so dass mer hüt scho wider hei chönne ga Powdere... An Killer: So wie du mi beuftreit hesch, hani für di ou chli gstaubet im Wald ;)

Offizielle Gruess a alli arme Schwizer wo geng no im Grüene müesse umefahre... Official greetings for all the poor Swiss people who have to ride around in the green...

Dr Park isch für mi dieses Jahr jedes Mal ä andere ;) Every day a new park...



Before the big dump of the last days i went for an amazing skiday. It was so much fun! So you never know... Maybe youll see me next winter on skis again...?? ;)

Vorem grosse Schnee hani ä Skitag gmacht. Sisch dr Hammer gsi! Mä weis ja nie... Vilech bini ja nächst Saison uf 2 Brätter adsträffe...?? ;)



Vancouver, New Swiss passport, Huge storm, Closed bridge, Rushhour, Traffic jam, Cheaper ticket (but still expensive), Claus, Fabia, Ana, Jeff, Zimtstern, Sushi, Nice House, M-A Tarte, Huge mountains, Fresh powder, Nice Fondue, Cloudless weather, -30°C cold, Huge park and pipe, Frost bite, Mike, Big party, Free drinks, Angela, Misschief Films, Nice breakfast, 190 CAD fine, Pemberton, Beautyful landscape. // Especially for Killer with German language skills: Whistler was an awesome time. First we went over Vancouver - where i applied for my new passport - to Whistler. In Vancouver was a strong storm. Like that they had to close down a bridge, which brought us directly in the Vancouver rushhour for crossing the town. Once in Whistler we stayed in Fabias house. She works for Zimtstern and is a snowboardmovie producer as well. There we met also Claus from Zimtstern and Iceripper. The first evening we went out for some Sushi, which was awesome! The next day we went up the mountain for catching some powder on Blackcomb mountain. In the evening we eat a nice swiss fondue, which was like balsam on the soul! The second day we checked out Whistler Mountain and later on the park on Blackcomb Mountain. It was quite chilly these days. The temperature on the top was -30°C. But the weather was awesome! Such a nice view!! In the evening there was this promotion party from Zimtstern. It was a nice party with a lot of people and free drinks. The day after we went for some nice breaksfast in town and started our trip back over Pemberton to Kamloops. Before we could leave Whistler we got stopped by the police. I wanted to pick up some hitchhiker. This guy stood directly under a lightsystem. So i crossed a red light without niticing it. That resulted in a fine of 190 CAD. On the way back home we passed some really beautyful landscape. It was an awesome trip to Whistler with a lot of fun.

Vancouver, Neue Schwizer Pass, Heftige Sturm, Gschlossnigi Brügg, Rushhour, Stau, Billigers Ticket (aber geng no tür), Claus, Fabia, Ana, Jeff, Zimtstern, Sushi, Schöns Hus, M-A Tarte, Grossi Bärge, Früsche Powder, Super Fondue, Wulcheloses Wätter, -30°C chalt, Hammer Park und Pipe, Frostbüle, Mike, Fetti Party, Gratis Drinks, Angela, Misschief Films, Super Zmorge, 190 CAD Buess, Pemberton, Wunderschöni Landschaft. // Speziell füre Killer mit Dütsche Sprachkenntniss: Whistler isch ä super Sach gsi. Zersch simer über Vancouver - woni ä neuä Pass ha beantreit - nach Whistler. Über Vancouver hetsich grad ä starke Sturm ustobt. So stark, dassi hei müesse d Brück zuetue, was üs direkt id Vancouver Rushhour bracht het. Einisch in Whistler acho, heimer üses Zimmer im Hus vor Fabia dörfe bezieh. Si schafft für Zimtstern und isch näbebi ä Snowboardfilm produzentin. Dert heimer när ou dr Claus vo Zimtstern und Iceripper lehre kenne. Am erste Abe simer ga Suchi ässe, was dr Hammer isch gsi! Am nächste Tag simer ufe Blackcomb Mountain für chli ga ds Powdere. Am Abe heimer äs feins Swizer Fondue gha, was wie Balsam ufd Seel gwürkt het! Am zwöite Tag heimer Whistler Mountain uschecked und si speter no i Park uf Blackcomb Mountain. Sisch ziemlch chalt gsi dert obe. D Temperature ufem Gipfel si umdi -30°C gsi. Aber ds Wätter isch dr abdolut Wah gsi! Was fürne Sicht!! Am Abe isch ä Promotion Party vo Zimtstern über d Bühni gange. Sisch ä super Party gsi mit vile Lüt und gratis Drinks. Am nächste Tag simer in Whistler fein ga Zmorge ässe und hei när üsi Reis über Pemberton nach Kamloops gstartet. Bevor mer aber Whistler hei dörfe verlah, hetnis no ä Fründ und Hälfer gsellschaft gleistet. I hanä Autostöppler wöue mitnä, wo grad bire Ample nach freie Plätz ide Autos usschau ghalte het. Wüu är grad unger dr Ample gstande isch, hani ds rote Liecht nid richtig beachtet. Das het nächher ire Buess vo 190 CAD resultiert. Ufem Heiwäg simer dür wunderschöni Landschafte gfahre. Sisch würklch ä hammer Trip gsi.

Rächt stürmischi Zite in Vancouver... Stormy times in Vancouver...

Ilona und Claus. Im Hintergrund chli Schnee ;) Ilona and Claus. In behind some snow ;)

Tourist- Foto...

Ä rächt geile Bärg. Hammer Landschaft und Ussicht... Nice landscape...

Ä chalti Sach... Cold times...

Ilona and Me.

Dasch öppe no ä Wätterstation... Impressive weatherstation...

Ke Seich dä Park... Not bad the park...

Längwiligi Pipe... Boring Pipe...

Hammer Hus! Nice house!


Ufem Wäg zrügg nach Kamloops. So geil die Landschaft! On the way back to Kamloops. Very nice landscape!