In Canada dr sidefiin Powder ------------------------------ in Mexico die ändlose Sandstränd Vo Kamloops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bis Mexico City Tour 8.2006 - 7.2007


Ridgescrest - San Fran

On the way from Ridgescrest to San Fran we passed by the Yosemite National Park, which was really beautyful! Almost like home ;)

Ufem Wäg vo Ridgescrest nach San Fran simer im Yosemite National Park verbigange. D Natur dört isch würklch dr absolut Wahn gsi! Fasch wie daheim ;)

Die Witine si eifach atemberaubend... Look how far u can see...

Aline and I

Dä Park isch eifach naturmässig dr Hammer gsi! This park was just crazy beautyful!


Las Vegas - Ridgescrest

On the way from Las Vegas to San Francisco we stopped in Ridgescrest where we visited Aline, which made the season 2getter with me in Saas Fee. She came with us later to San Fran. On the way to Ridgescrest we passed trough the deth valley, which was really cool/impressive and very hot! The deth valley is the area where the lowest point in Northamerica is located. Its pretty amazing to see and i saw my first real sand dunes in a desert which was awesome.

Ufem Wäg vo Las Vegas nach San Francisco heimer ä Stopp in Ridgescrest igschalte, womer d Aline - ä Kollegin wo mit mir ä Saison in Saas Fee gmacht het - si ga bsueche. Si isch när mit üs mit nach San Fran cho. Ufem Wäg nach Ridgescrest simer dürds Deth Valley gfahre, wosich dr tiefscht Punkt in ganz Nordamerika befindet. Sisch ziemlch idrücklch und vorallem heiss gsi! Sisch super gsi das dsgseh und ig ha mini erschti Sanddüne inere Wüeschti gseh.

Ändlosi Strasse... Endless streets...

Am tiefschte Punkt vo Nordamerika... At the lowest point of Northamerica...

Sanddunes... Pretty cool! Sanddüne... dr füdleblut Wahn!

Da het äs chüehls Mineral nid chönne schade ;) There was a cool one not too bad ;)


Grand Canyon - Las Vegas

After we visited the Grand Canyon in the morning we went passed by some ghost town and went over the hoover damm to Las Vegas. In Las Vegas we wanted to go to the Coyote Ugly Club, but since they close almost everyting at 2am in the States we came a littlebit to late. It was anyway a really fun night and we met some fun people in the city of one arm bandits ;)

Nachdämmer am Morge bim Grand Canyon verbigluegt hei, simer bire Geisterstadt verbi und übere Hovver Damm nach Las Vegas gfahre. Dert heimer im Coyote Ugly Club chli wöue ga abfeschte, da aber idä Staate ddie meiste Clubs scho am 2 zuetüe, simer äs bizi dsspät cho. Mir hei aber trotzdäm ä super Nacht gha und hei äs paar cooli Gstalte atroffe idr Stadt vode eiarmige Bandite ;)

Ufem Wäg id Geisterstadt... On the way to the ghost town...

Jakob in the saloon...

After a shootout... I won ;)

Hoover damm

Äs chlises Pfüsi bim Hoover Damm bevormer nach Las Vegas gö... A little nap before we go to Las Vegas...

Las Vegas by night...


Acapulco - Grand Canyon

The next day we started pretty early in Acapulco, that it would be possible to reach the States in 3 days. In Mexico City we got some problems with the police, so we had to bribe them 100 US after bargening th amount down from 180. For this fee we were able to drive trough this enormous city and got even a bluelight escort from our uniformed friends ;) After more then 3500 Kilometers and 3 days in the car we reached the Grand Canyon, where we camped in the forest. That was cold!! 3 days ago we we had an average temperature of about 30°C and there the water was freezing during the night...

Am nächste Tag simer ziemlch früeh losgfahre, dases müglech isch gsi, d Staate i 3 Täg dserreiche. In Mexico City heimer du när chli Problem mitr Polizei becho, also heimer denä Jungs 100 US müesse id Bible abdrücke nachdämmer dr Betrag vo 180 abeghandlet hei. Für das Trinkgäld heinis üsi Fründe du när dür d Stadt la fahre und heinis ä Eskorte mit Blauliecht und Sirene dür d Stadt gä, was ziemlch hilfrich gsi isch i derä riesige Stadt ;) Nach meh als 3500 Kilometer und 3 Täg im Auto heimer du när dr Grand Canyon erreicht, womer imne Wald üses Zält ufgschlage hei. U das isch chalt gsi!! 3 Täg vorhär heimer ä Durchschnittstemperatur vo 30°C gnosse und dert ischnis du när ds Wasser über d Nacht gfrohre...

Da simer früeh usde Fädere... Got up quite early...

Drive in Mexico City...

Üsi Kollege düre Strassetschungel vo Mexico City vorus mit Sirene und Blauliecht... Our friends in front trough the streetjungle of Mexico City...

On the way...

Thats how u go to work in Mexico ;) Ufem Wäg zur Arbeit ;)

Another day is over... Ä witere Tag isch verbi...

Und so überholtme ä Lastwage- Kollone ufdr Autobahn in Mexico...;) And thats how u take over a Truck lineup in Mexico...;)

Üse Campingplatz ir Nechi vom Grand Canyon... Our campground near Grand Canyon...

An Indian is spotting the canyon...

Grand Canyon... Idrücklech!!! Impressive!!!


Way back...

Hi there!
After 3 wondeful weeks in Yucatan, were on our way back to Canada. I hope i can put up some reports soon! Cheers /Roy

Hola a todos!
Despues 3 semanas en Yucatan vamos a regresar a Canada. Espero que es possible de escribir unas reportes pronto! Besitos y saludos /Roy

Tschau Zaeme!
Nach 3 hammermaessige Wuchene uf dr halbinsle Yucatan simer ufem Heimwaeg nach Canada. Ig hoffe ig choenni scho gli aes paar reports schribe! Ciao 4 now und moechits guet /Roy



From Tulum we took the bus back to Merida, where we took the plane back to Acapulco. On the way we stopped in Coba for visiting the maya ruins there. It was awesome, because this site had a littlebit more a junglefeeling then Chichen Itza.

Vo Tulum simer mitem Bös zrügg nach Merida vo womer när mitm Flüger zrügg nach Acaoulco si. Ufem Wäg heimer 1 Tag in Coba verbracht, um die Maya ruine dert ga adsluege. Sisch super gsi, da die Ruine meh im Jungu gsi si als die in Chichen Itza.

Finding the way trough the jungle... Ufem Wäg düre Jungu...

D Affe stige...

Blick über ds Jungumeer... View over the jungle...

Hostel in Merida... Hammermässigi Architektur! Awesome architecture!

The last delicious seafood at Conpadre Noillo in Acapulco... Dr letscht Chübu Meeresfrücht im Restaurant Compadre Noillo in Acapulco...



After a raging saturday night eve in Cancun, we hanged around on the riviera maya for ca. 1 week. It was a really relaxing/recovering week with a lot of taning/sunburn on the beatyful whitesand beaches. Beside that we visited Leobardos resort, went snorkeling, could go to Xel-ha and went biking. It was awesome and the real caribbean fever came up ;)

Nachemne Samstigabe usgang in Cancun, simer für ca. 1 Wuche adr riviera maya unterwägs gsi. Sisch ä ziemlch relaxti Wuche gsi womer viel Zit mit brüne/sunnebrand ade wunderschöne wisse Stränd verbracht hei. Näbebi heimer dr resort vom Leobardo bsuecht, si ga schnorkle, hei chönne nach Xel-ha ga und si ga bike. Sisch ä super Sach gsi und ds karibische Fieber isch so richtig ufgflammt ;)

Ready for a snorkel :)

Ufem Wäg ga ds schnorchle... On the way to the snorkeling site...

Und ändlech heimer üses Pirateschiff gfunde :) Finally we found our pirateship :)

Wunderschöni Stränd im Resort vom Leobardo! Wonderful beaches in Leobardos resort!

Leobardos und Rosalbas hus in Cancun, womer hei dörfe wohne... dr Hammer! Leobardos and Rosalbas house in Cancun where we could stay... so nice!

Ä andere wunderschöne Strand südlech vo Playa del Carmen... Another breathtaking beach south of Playa del Carmen...


Vanessa, Leobardo and Rosalba - lovely people!

Leobardo and Rosalba

Ds Hus vor Vanessa in Playa, womer hei chönne übernachte... Vanessas house in Playa, where we could stay...



Agressive leguan...

D Ruine vo Tulum. Ruins Tulum.

Tulum beach... Awesome!!! Dr Hammer!!!

Biking along the beach... Mitem bike a Strand...